Mom and Dad took me to my first Phillies game on Monday, when Roy Halladay and the rest of his buddies came to visit DC. And it was awesome.

Roy and the rest of the players were a lot smaller than they are on TV, but Dad said they were for real.

We moved around seats a lot, but everyone said I was the cutest fan no matter where I was sitting.

Here's what Roy looks like right before he strikes someone out.

Here's Dad and me at the game. He wore his Halladay shirt, but I just wore my red Phillies gear. The important name is the one on the front of the shirt, not the back. Remember that, Dad.

Charlie Manuel had much better seats than me. If he's Uncle Charlie, does that mean he can hook me up with better tickets next time?

Mom's shirt says "Phinally" and I told her several times that's not how the word is spelled.

And this is what it looks like when RYAN HOWARD HITS A HOME RUN!!!

Phillies won the game 5-4. At least that's what Dad told me. I fell asleep in at the start of the 9th inning. All that awesome just took my energy away.