Yeah, that's Dad and the Vice President and me, just hanging out at the Vice President's mansion for the day. Dad said it was some sort of work event, but I'm pretty sure I got my invite for being the top Phillies fan in the DC area.

Here's his house. It's pretty nice, I guess. It's no Fort Awesome.

VP Biden had all sorts of rides and games and water slides in his backyard. Dad says they aren't permenant, but I'd keep them all there always if I was second in charge of the world.

They also had some pretty awesome cooling fans that Mom and I played with.

Not a lot of people know that while the president has the secret service protecting him, the vice president has to carry his own water gun.

It's a big back lawn, by the way.

We all had a ton of fun. I can't wait to get invited back for their Fourth of July party, although I should probably wait and see if any other world leaders invite me to their parties first. I don't want to play favorites.