I know we post the same set of photos each birthday, but I have good news this year: I didn't grow at all. Look, I'll prove it!
Here I am just a few days out of the hospital:
And here's me an good old bear at 1 year:

Bear had trouble standing up at birthday number two:
But he pulled it together at birthday #3:
Here we are at 4:
And at 5:
And at 6:
Seven is where I started to look significantly bigger than the bear:
And by 8, well...:
At nine, the bear decided to sit on my other side, to look bigger:
By 10, it didn't matter what side he was on.
At 11, I was pretty large:
And by 12, I got even larger:
But good news! As a teenager, I have officially stopped growing. See for yourself:
Honestly, I look pretty small. Maybe I'm growing backwards?
Anyway, the one you should really watch out for is Emma. That girl is getting awfully big: