Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Harry Potter and the trip to Philly

As an Easter bonus, we got to stop by the Franklin Institute's Harry Potter Exhibition this week. And while they didn't have any brooms for us to fly on, it was pretty awesome. 

Grandmom said she's going to sew a Bellatrix outfit for Emma, now that she got to examine the stitching from the real one up close. 

Pop got to sit with us in Hagrid's hut. You'd think that we'd all fit in a half-giant's chair, but you'd be wrong.  

But even smaller was a replica of Harry's bed under the stairs. I still thought I could get a quick nap in there if the staff would have let me. 

Emma wanted to open the Chamber of Secrets because she learned nothing at all from the books. 

And then we had a small magic fight just to brush up on our dueling skills. If Hogwarts sends a letter to us, we're totally ready. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This trip looks amazing. So glad you got to go with Grandmom and Pop.
Grandmom Doyle