Sunday, August 27, 2023

Thumbin' my way into North Caroline

We took an end-of-summer trip down to Raleigh this weekend to check another state off of Jonathan's list of place to visit. The natural history museum there was pretty cool. I'm glad they didn't have a live shark, though.

They did have a neat aquarium with this giant turtle. All three of us are smiling, but I know it's hard to tell. 

They also had a pretty great dinoaur exhibit. We tried to measure how tall this guy was in Emmas, but we couldn't toss her all the way to the top. 

Then it was a trip across town to see our first concert -- Pentatonix! 

Grandmom tagged along with us for the show. I think she knew more of the songs than us, but you can see below that we all had a great time. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That was an amazing, fantastic, exciting, entertaining trip. Thanks for taking me with you. Couldn’t have happened at a better time.

Love you,
Grandmom Doyle