A special welcome to Fort Awesome's newest enlistees, Jonathan Leo and Emma Angelina.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Clearing up some confusion
I've been seeing a lot of notes lately implying that Dad is the one posting these pictures and writing the commentary. Just to be clear -- he's got his own blog. Here's another shot of me hard at work updating this site.
If I wasn't computer savvy, would I own a robot shirt that awesome? I do not think so.
Dear Jonathan,
Now you've added plastic "mountain climbing" and computer skills to all the other things you have learned in just l7 months! You are fast becoming a renaissance man,like your Dad.
Thank your Mom for sending me those pictures. That was really a good idea because you were right - they, plus the last few pictures, did make me smile and smile and smile.
The card was lovely, too. The Warminster Shanes also sent me lovely card. The next time you see them. tell them I'm praying for your great- grandmom Shane and Marvin.
Jonathan That's a really cool shirt. So have you mastered Power Point yet? I can't wait to see your first formal presentation the next time we see you. Maybe you can make a tribute to David Akers. I'm sure your Mom would like that. "God bless David Akers" Pop Pop
That really is an awesome shirt and you look so grown up, just sitting there working so hard. But we really do love the blog so please keep up the good work, okay?
Dear Jonathan,
Now you've added plastic "mountain climbing"
and computer skills to all the other things you
have learned in just l7 months! You are fast
becoming a renaissance man,like your Dad.
Thank your Mom for sending me those pictures.
That was really a good idea because you were
right - they, plus the last few pictures, did
make me smile and smile and smile.
The card was lovely, too. The Warminster Shanes also sent me lovely card. The next time you
see them. tell them I'm praying for your great-
grandmom Shane and Marvin.
God bless the three of you!
Aunt Pat
That's a really cool shirt. So have you mastered Power Point yet? I can't wait to see your first formal presentation the next time we see you. Maybe you can make a tribute to David Akers. I'm sure your Mom would like that. "God bless David Akers" Pop Pop
That really is an awesome shirt and you look so grown up, just sitting there working so hard. But we really do love the blog so please keep up the good work, okay?
Luv you,
Grandmom Linda
Not a one of us doubts your Awesomeness abilities. Hope to see you soon, Jonathan. Miss you bunches!! xoxoxo
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