Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Happy birthday to Shane

Shane's second birthday was earlier this month, but we didn't have a chance to celebrate until this past weekend. Aunt Beth made a great Monsters Inc themed cake that she said had like 50 sticks of butter, so it tasted great. 

Shane got a bunch of great presents from everyone, and was happy to let us help him play with them. Emma couldn't figure out what to do with the Sully doll, but she is only one year old, so...

And Shane had the biggest Mike Wazowski balloon you've ever seen. Tommy and I tried to fit him in the closet, just like in the movie, but he was even too big for that. 


GrandmomShane said...

Great pictures!! It was a fun party!

Anonymous said...

Glad you all had such a good time!
Aunt Pat