Saturday, February 27, 2016

Birthday party time

Last Wednesday was my birthday, but Saturday was my birthday party. That mean a great ocean-themed cake from Aunt LeeAnn and a trip to the bowling alley with a bunch of friends. 

Bowling was so cool. I managed to get three spares and knock down a ton of pins. The trick is attitude. Just watch my form and focus below. 

Emma even got in on the action, with a little help from Pop Shane.

Everybody sang "happy birthday" and ate a ton of cake (Mom had like 500 cupcakes there) and had a great time. We should really have birthday parties every month, because they're a blast.

Oh, and there was one more big surprise! My Delaware pretzel guy shut down earlier this year, and Grandmom Linda was upset I wouldn't get birthday pretzels. So, a few recipe experiments later...  

So cool. Thanks to everybody for a great 6th birthday!

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