Friday, November 2, 2018

Costume parade and trunk or treating

Getting picture of trick or treating at night doesn't usually work, but luckily that's not the only fun we had on Halloween this year. 

I had my Halloween parade at school early in the day. My teach was also a super hero, but I don't know if she was from the DC or Marvel Universe. 

After that it was time for trunk or treat at Emma's school. Guess who was first in line for candy? 
 Well, I guess Wonder Woman does need some extra energy to fight crime.

There were a ton of kids at Emma's school, but luckily Grandmom Doyle and I had enough to give something out to everyone but the babies. And, frankly, they don't really need the sugar. They'll have plenty of Halloween fun once they get teeth. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

A great day. So much fun. Glad I could share it with you.
Love you,
Grandmom Linda