Saturday, September 14, 2019

Happy birthday to me (version 2, part 5)

Yep, it's that time again -- let's check in on how much our big bear has shrunk again. I'm starting to think Mom and Dad may never address this problem.

Here we were the after just a few days at home:

And after one year:

This was just three years ago:  

Two years back? The bear got smaller:

And last year was even smaller:

And now? Yeah, you guessed it:

The good thing is that even though lots of things change each year, some things don't. For example, Jonathan still brings out the weird in me.

Frankly, we're a pretty good team. 

1 comment:

Grandmom Linda said...

You are an excellent team and you both get cuter with age.
Love you both.
Grandmom Doyle