Monday, December 28, 2020

Even more Christmas

Holidays are never a sprint in our family -- they're more of a marathon. On Christmas Eve, we got a chance to hang out with Grandmom Linda and give her our photobook to remember all the wacky things we did this year. 

And then she backed up a sleigh and dumped a ton of gifts on us. Grandmoms are experts at spoiling kids. 

And just after Christmas, we got to hang out up at Aunt Jeanne's house for a bit with Tommy and Shane. Acting crazy with them was the best present of all. Well, that and all the extra Christmas candy. 


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The book you give me and the calendar I get from Ollie and Lexi each year are the greatest Christmas gifts there could ever be. Keep having fun and making memories for my 2021 book!!
Grandmom Doyle