Saturday, November 19, 2022

Grandparents Day

Christmas and Thanksgiving are great, but they come every year. You only get Grandparents Day at school once, and it's the greatest school day ever.  

I was lucky enough to get Grandmom Doyle, Grandmom Shane and Pop Shane to come and celebrate the day with me. It couldn't have been better. All three grandparents to myself! And instead of math class! Too awesome.  

We read poems to our grandparents and sang songs and just thanked them for being awesome. We really should do that more often, but I'm glad to have the chance to do it today. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only day ever that was as good as this one was the day we went to Jonathan’s Grandparent’s Day. A perfect, special day with our beautiful granddaughter whom we just love so much. Thank you for inviting me, Emma.
Grandmom Doyle