Sunday, February 27, 2011

Fixing up the house

I got so many new books for my birthday last week, I decided it was time to install a new bookshelf next to my toybox. Dad offered to help, but I told him I could handle it.

It was a lot of work, but I'm pretty happy with how it turned out.

Yep, that's my toolbox on the floor there.


Anonymous said...

Jonathan, I'm impressed. Maybe someday, you
will read your favorite book to me.

Love, Aunt Pat

MomShane said...

I love the bookshelf, and I love you!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jonathan, It's wonderful to have a special place for all your books. The way your mommy and daddy love to read, I'm sure that you're going to have many, many more books as time goes on. I look forward to reading to you again.
Lots of love,
Grandmom Linda

Anonymous said...

Hey "G-P Doyle", you have to admit that I'm really starting to pick up the pace. Maybe I can also pick up a cool nic-name like
"Mr. Woody" or "Mr. Rug Runner"--or maybe even
"The Bookster".


Lari said...

I'm duly impressed with the books and your reading, but equally so with your fix-it capabilities. Both areas of expertise will serve you well, Jonathan. You are soooo amazing!! xoxo