Sunday, November 4, 2012

Cross-training in Autumn

Remember that leaf-stomping post a few weeks back? A lot of people assume that was just something I did for a laugh, but it's actually the culmination of hours upon hours of intense outdoor workouts I complete every month. Here's a look at me building up my leaf-battling stamina over the weekend:

Dad's note: He really did want to do this for hours this weekend. Just back and forth, back and forth, then pause for me to re-rake the pile. 


Anonymous said...

You aure are having fun, aren't you? Nothing like the crunch, crunch, crunch of fallen leaves, is there? Now if you were stomping all over them in your dinosaur costume, that would really be something to see.

Love you.
Grandmom Linda

Lari said...

Who can't fall in love with a guy running thru leaves in khaki's with a belt? ...Be still my heart!!! You are such a heart breaker! xoxoxo