Monday, December 24, 2012

More trains than you can imagine

Pop-Pop took the whole family to some crazy train heaven called Northlandz yesterday, and you would not believe how many little trains they had there.

Seriously, it took us almost two hours to walk through the whole thing. Of course, after those two hours, I still wanted to see more trains, but Mom and Dad wanted to go eat instead. Amateurs.

Pop-Pop was as excited as I was to see the trains. Do you know how many bridges they had for the box cars to go over? A BAZILLION.

We took cousin Tommy along too. He doesn't full appreciate how cool trains are yet, but he will soon. I'll make sure of that.

 Dad's note: Seriously, after two hours Jonathan was upset that there weren't more trains to see. Two hours. And that still wasn't enough. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Two hours is nothing when you're in train heaven! Right, Jonathan? Best Christmas present ever.

Love you,
Grandmom Linda