Friday, June 14, 2019

Emma's Pre-K graduation

Oh boy. 

Today was my graduation from Pre-K at Celebree, which mean a lot of marching, acting fancy and watching Mom try not to cry. 

It also was a chance for us students to show off a little of what we've been learning. I think everyone was expecting the colors song and the days of the week song, but probably not this presidents song. 

We also memorized a poem about getting ready for kindergarten.

And we got a chance to see just how much we've grown since we started coming to school here.

The whole thing felt really official. Grandmom and Pop Shane seemed really impressed, but honestly they seem impressed with most of what I do. 

I'm sad that after the summer, I won't see some of my friends again every day. But I'm making sure Mom has their phone numbers! And Ellis is going to be going to the same school as me next year, so...

1 comment:

Grandmom Linda said...

Emma, I’m so proud of you and I know Pop would be too. He loved you so much. You’re our Emma Angel!
Love you to the moon and back.
Grandmom Doyle