Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Zoo dinosaurs?

We took a trip to the Washington DC national zoo this weekend and, well, um ... 

Yeah, they had dinosaurs there. I mean, they weren't real ones, but it was still surprising. That parasaurolophus looked pretty convincing. 

And we were both worried that dilophosaurus might spit on us. 

And the stegosaurus was moving around a little bit.  

Emma was the one who identified the quetzalcoatlus first. Then again, it is the largest-known flying animals in Earth history, so it was kind of obvious. 

And the T-Rex was ... wow. Just wow. Maybe it's for the best they weren't real. 

1 comment:

Grandmom Linda said...

Huh??? What were those names again? You are both way too smart for me.
Love you,
Grandmom Doyle