Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Down in the wine cellar

Hold on, when did we get a wine cellar?

Just kidding. Here's a picture of my visit this weekend to the big house around the corner. Dad says it's the old governor's mansion, but that's not a very descriptive name. I like mine better.

Dad also kept complaining that I moved around too much to get a good picture in the cellar, but I don't know what he was talking about.

iglpMU on Make A Gif, Animated Gifs


Lari said...

Jonathan, that debate would've been a lot more entertaining if your Dad scripted it. Love to all!! xoxo

Anonymous said...

Now we've got stop-action type filming? Your dad is amazing.

You look so big in these pictures - growing up sooooooo fast.

Love you.
Grandmom Linda