Thursday, May 23, 2019

Cub Scout campout (finally!)

After several tries, we finally got our cub scout campout in last weekend. The last two have been cancelled because of weather. We had pretty bad storms overnight, but Dad and I stuck it out and had a ton of fun. 

Here's where we slept. Emma helped us set it up, but she went back to the house with grandparents to sleep. Can't really blame her for that, but I wanted an adventure. 

Before we went to bed, we had a hike, ate smores and told scary stories (that weren't very scary) around a campfire. This was quality camping. I'm pretty much a pro at it now, so if you're making smores or need sleeping advice, let me know. 

1 comment:

Grandmom Linda said...

Thank goodness!! You finally got to do it and you and Daddy had to brave the storm too.
Hope you had a terrific time.
Love you,
Grandmom Doyle