Sunday, October 13, 2019

Pumpkin picking 2019

Pumpkin time!

Emma and I took Mom and Dad on our annual pumpkin patch visit this weekend, picking out a few of the best ones to help decorate for Halloween. Emma is bigger than most of the pumpkins now, so we have fewer jokes about leaving her decorating her for the holiday or picking her from the patch. But we still had a few. 

We had a pretty good haul this year. I thought we needed about 30 pumpkins to really be in the holiday spirit, but Mom said something about paying for college. 

And this year we got to go on a hayride too! It made up for them not having a corn maze ready this year. The ride was pretty short but extra bumpy, so I think we got our money's worth.  

1 comment:

Grandmom Linda said...

Emma’s bigger than the pumpkins???? No way. How did that happen.
Hope you have fun decorating them. Happy Halloween.
Love you both.
Grandmom Doyle